Field Trips and Activities:
Beside the regular preschool and daycare activities, Tender Hearts Dayschool offers outstanding opportunities and experiences for its children.
Each year, beginning in October (depending on which class your child attends), we plan feild trips to the Pumpkin Farm and various other fund trips. From November through March our classrooms field trips reflect holiday themes exposing the children to a wide variety of celebrations, songs and merriment. Tender Hearts feels the field trips and activities are an important way of introducing your children to some of the local wonders and universe. Permission slips are required and additional nominal fee charged.
Registration Fee:
All children must re-register each year during the month of September or prior. There is a Registration fee involved each year, which may be prorated. This fee is used to help offset the cost of medical insurance for your child while in our care.
Registration amount for one child: $60
Part-time care: $30
Family: $100
Financial Policy
Our fee structure is based on how
many contracted school days there are in each month. Therefore, the tuition does change from month-to-month. Your contracted Days are the days your child is scheduled to be here at Tender Hearts Dayschool. You will be financially responsible for payment of your child's contracted days whether the child is present or not.
All monthly tuition payments are due on the 1st and 15th business day of the month. If you are full-time and pay, in full, by the 1st, you will receive a $20.00 discount (full-time tuition only) Any balance owing at the close of business on the 10th of the following month is assessed a 10% fee of the unpaid balance.
After 6pm there is a late pick-up fee of $5.00 for every 15 minutes.
Enrollment Inquiries
(Please Complete Form at bottom of page for Tuition / Fee Information)
Copyright 2013. Tender Hearts Dayschool, Inc.. All rights reserved.